
install and use OpenMaTrEx

OpenMaTrEx is a free/open-source example-based machine translation (EBMT) system based on the marker hypothesis. The latest version is 0.97.1 and is available at http://openmatrex.org/

Part I: INSTALL OpenMaTrEx

1. Download and unzip OpenMaTrEx-0.97.1

2. As described in INSTALL file, install required software, including Giza++, IRSTLM, Moses, Moses scripts, Additional (preprocessing) scripts, args4j (available from http://download.java.net/maven/1/args4j/jars/, download the jar file and put it in OpenMaTrEx-0.97.1/lib directory)

3. Install OpenMaTrEx itself
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Note: No need to set the path of BASE_DIR, OPENMATREX_DIR, MOSES_SCRIPTS_DIR, etc.

Part II: USE OpenMaTrEx
